Thursday, May 2, 2013

Aunt Bernie

We had a visit from my oldest sister Bernadette this past week and it was really special to have her here. I was 35 weeks pregnant all week and kept joking with her that I was going to have the baby each day and she would say you better not have the baby while I am here. I even once went as far as saying my water had broke and she looked like she was going to pass out at the thought. Her and Will gave me a hard time about that joke for a couple a days as they should have done.  Little Grace really enjoyed having Aunt Bernie to play with each day. We went for a few walks and did a lot of day to day things, but Bernadette really came put her mad photos skills to work and helped me a with a updating a good amount of my photo organizing. And I even learned how to cut Will's hair from her which was scary but really fun. Will is such a champ. In addition little Grace received a cute little baby doll of her own from Aunt Bernie. She keeps saying Baby. Let's hope the baby and her can become friends over the next year. I will love them both and do what I can to make that possible. Despite the third trimester being a challenge on me I find so much joy in what is ahead for our family.

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